The Mental Health Revolution: Why Natural Healing is Taking Over!
❓ Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or stress and feel like medication is your only option? What if we told you there’s another way? In this episode of Take On Healthcare, we dive deep int...
Low-Fat Lies and Cholesterol Myths: What Doctors Get Wrong
Are you tired of navigating through outdated and contradictory diet advice? In this episode, pharmacist Mary Sheehan and naturopathic doctor Ted Suzelis team up to bust some of the biggest diet myths ...
Your Doctor is Wrong: The Truth About Overprescribed Antibiotics and Fever Management
Are antibiotics always needed for infections? Should you always bring down a fever? On this episode of the Take on Healthcare podcast, hosts Ted Suzelis, ND, and Mary Sheehan, RPh, along with Dr. Ian...
The Power of Belief: Unveiling the Placebo Effect in Healthcare
Can the mind truly heal the body? Are rituals and belief just as important as the medicine itself? In this episode of the Take on Healthcare podcast, hosts Ted Suzelis, ND and Mary Sheehan, RPh, along...
The Ozempic Phenomenon: Miracle or Menace?
Explore the secrets behind Ozempic, a medication for weight loss and diabetes management, with both doctor and pharmacist expert insights and a personal story from Denise Falatic who has taken Ozempic...
Satisfaction Guaranteed? The Surprising Downside of Happy Patients
Welcome to "Take On Healthcare," where we peel back the layers of the healthcare industry to reveal what's really going on. Today, we ask some tough questions: Could your doctor's desire for a good r...
Naturopathic Healing: Beyond Conventional Care
🌿 Are you curious about what naturopathic medicine is and how it differs from conventional healthcare? Wondering if natural remedies could be the key to overcoming your health challenges? Want to un...
Are Your Supplements REALLY A Lie?
"What if everything you knew about supplements is wrong?" "Could the pills you take daily do more harm than good?" "Are you a victim of clever marketing rather than sound science?" In this riveting e...
The Price of Health
🎙️ Welcome to "The Price of Health: Understanding US Healthcare Costs," a thought-provoking episode of our podcast, Take On Healthcare, with your hosts pharmacist, Mary Sheehan and Dr. Ted Suzelis. ...